Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ELA Final Project

Nine weeks Volunteer Project Due Date: May 31st, 2010

****This project is worth 300pts!

Directions: Choose one of the three project options below to complete.

Option One: School/Community Service Project

Complete eight hours of community service to school or community. You will be expected to keep a journal that details what kinds of things you did. Separately you will write a five paragraph essay on why it is important to volunteer in your community (please include your personal experiences). You must have a supervisor/participating adult sign off on your completed hours. For example: Volunteer work at a hospital, research lab, nursing home, zoo, park, school, or museum.

Option Two: Photo Essay

Complete eight hours of community service, but instead of keeping a journal you will take pictures of your experience, put that into a PowerPoint and share the results with the class. Each photo taken should include an explanation (caption) of what is going on in the picture. This would include at least twelve photos, and a two sentence description of what is going on in each photo. You will also have to share something about the organization you are working with or volunteering as a part of.

Option Three: Blogging about Community Service

Go to Mr. Howard’s blog and post one entry for every two hours of community service that you serve. Your five posts (which mean you will serve eight hours of community service) should be one paragraph in length and grammatically correct. You will be graded on the signed off community service hours, and the completion of four entries. The address for Mr. Howard’s blog is http://howardela.blogspot.com/, here you can register and post a comment. Your comment will not appear until I have approved the comment. So following your post I will receive an approval email, following that email your post will appear. This option will include four posts that should be at least one paragraph long each.


  1. You will respond here with your comment, and be sure to sign the comment for credit

    1. For the volunteer project i chose to work with the single marines at the air show in a booth. The purpose of the booth was to raise money for the Single Marines Program. For my first hour of volunteering I met with my supervisor with the marines and then we rode in a bus to our booth. Once we all got there it was kinda hectic because none of us really knew what we were doing, but after a few customers came we had the whole process down. After I counted the supplies and such I became a runner which is the person who carries food to and from the shelf to the registers.

      Jacob Tscherch

    2. Hour two of my volunteering consisted of still being a runner. But while being a runner you're kinda doing a lot of walking and your feet start to hurt and you sweat alot so you have to keep hydrated. So when ever there was a break in the lines for food I sneaked a quick drink and went back to carrying food. But as you can expect when you work around food you get hungry stairing at all the good foods such as chicken, burgers, fries, etc. So when one of my supervisors told me I could have a lunch break I took it greatfully.

    3. So during my third hour I was enjoying really good food that they assigned for lunch. The lunch was 2 hot dogs, 1 bag of chips, a water, and a fruit. I took a few minutes to rest because one of the rules they had laid for us was to not sweat on the food, because nobody wants to watch someone sweat over their food. So after I rested for about 10 minutes and put my hat back on and got a job being a food preper, which is who makes and prepares the customers food. So when I took that job someone was able to take a break and eat. But the funny thing is when he got back from his break I gave him his job back and I became a runner again, the only problem was there was probably twice as many people.

    4. So as my fourth hour approached, I was running in a really big crowded booth, no time to yourself there. At this time, I started paying attention to what people were buying and the two most popular things where fries and chicken. But as I was growing used to the idea of working and non stop moving I must have looked beat because everyone kept telling me to take a break so eventually I gave in and did. I grabbed another water bottle and sat down, I asked my supervisor if I could watch the air show for a quick 10 minutes. She said I had been working hard and I could so I met a friend and watched the airshow for a little while with her. Then when I came back from my short lived break I went back to being a food preper.

    5. For my fifth hour, I was working steadily, prepping food and feeling good. This is when I was asked why I was volunteering. I said it was for a school project and that I have to blog about it later. It was a bit weird because I had some peoples attention as to where earlier I was'nt sure what I was doing. So I guess you could say in a way I had been enjoying the volunteering so far.

      Jacob Tscherch

    6. My sixth hour was going good as well, conversing with the marines and working hard, it felt oddly good. So the longer I had been particapating time started to fly. Then an idea popped in my head, my parents always talk about how I've never known what true work feels like, now I have an arguement towards that statement. I was content.

      Jacob Tscherch

    7. Well now I'm approaching the seventh hour. I'm having a good time, but about half of the marines left which was okay because there were a lot less customers than before. At this time, I was doing two things at once, being a runner and prepper which was really easy because there were not nearly as many people coming to the booth. At about this time, I start wishing I was home doing anything besides this, but then I think about how I'm helping the SMP program and that makes this a little bit more worth while. then I continue multi-tasking and daydreaming then bam it's already my eigth hour. I'm growing eager for my time to end.

      Jacob Tscherch

    8. At my eight hour now. It's really hot and I have just about had it with the sun on my skin. So I grab a water and go sit thinking about when my time is over. I downed my water in about three minutes and go back to the booth. I got an easy job, handing water to the cashier and filling in for people. I'm tired but happy to be outside.

      Jacob Tscherch

    9. My Ninth hour is here. this is when I get to count the supplies. Then I count the money in the registers. Overall the supplies were low and the money was high. I felt good I had volunteered. All that I was doing now was cleaning and helping the occasional customer.

      Jacob Tscherch

    10. Finally my tenth hour. I cleaned up wiped everything down, and packed up the supplies. I'm happy about volunteering, it actually was'nt as bad as I thought it would be.

      Jacob Tscherch

  2. Today was my first day of doing community service. I was able to get in around an hour and forty- five minutes tops. I did my work at the animal shelter in Newport. I was able to play with the dogs and give them a nice, good long walk. I played and walked seven dogs and gave them all a good time. The first three dogs I played/walked with I got attached to a little. The names of the two dogs I loved the most though were Buddy and Duchess. They were both really pretty dogs and I would love to have both of them. They both just wanted to play and get outside, cause no dog wants to be locked up in a cage all day. I will be doing this job for all eight hours and maybe even keep doing it in the future.

    Dylan Baker - May 10

  3. Dylan nice to see that you enjoyed your experience!I am sure that the dogs really appreciated the attention, and care. I look forward to your future insights!

  4. Today I went back to the animal shelter and worked for 2 more hours. I walked around 10 dogs of the 30 that were there that weren’t bad and unable to be with. As soon as I got there I walked buddy first my favorite dog, like last time he was well behaved and loving as always. As I was thinking I forgot to mention about Buddy’s heartworm. He tested positive for heart worm which can be a major problem if he doesn’t take medicine which can cause death. This medicine is a lot of money and can cost up to $1,000. That is a lot of money for medicine don’t you think!?!? The medicine you give dogs to prevent heartworm is a lot cheaper than the medicine to treat heartworms. After that I went to walk my other favorite dog , Duchess and he was gone!!!! He isn’t there anymore. I think he got a new owner which I am glad to hear and I hope they take great care of him. There was a new dog there today called Laiya. She is a Labrador Retriever, they brought her in with her six puppies. Zoe is another new dog I met today, she has a kind of sad story. Zoe is ten years old, she was used to breed. She is an American Bulldog. Her owners got rid of Zoe because she got too rambunctious and accidentally killed another dogs puppy. I think this project was a great idea after all and really isn’t that boring if you find something that really does entertain you.

    Dylan Baker - May 13

  5. Well today was pretty fun. My grandpa and I are the ones who normally go to the humane shelter but today my grandma came along too. She took a lot of pictures of me walking the dogs. Today I was able to walk up to 13 dogs and we were there for two hours. My favorite dog Buddy may have a home. A man came in today to look at him and offered to adopt him when he gets back from a work trip in a couple weeks. I think it is great that Buddy is finally going to have a good home and a good owner. I hope they treat him wonderfully. After I am finished doing this school project I plan on volunteering at the animal shelter once a week. Maybe one day it will open up a fun job oportunity, I really enjoy animals. I already have two dogs of my own or I would adopt another dog.

    -May 16

  6. Today I went back to the animal shelter and walked around 10 dogs of the 30 that were there that weren’t bad and unable to be with. As soon as I got there I walked buddy first my favorite dog, like last time he was well behaved and loving as always. As I was thinking I forgot to mention about Buddy’s heartworm. He tested positive for heart worm which can be a major problem if he doesn’t take medicine which can cause death. This medicine is a lot of money and can cost up to $1,000. That is a lot of money for medicine don’t you think!?!? The medicine you give dogs to prevent heartworm is a lot cheaper than the medicine to treat heartworms. After that I went to walk my other favorite dog , Duchess and he was gone!!!! He isn’t there anymore. I think he got a new owner which I am glad to hear and I hope they take great care of him. There was a new dog there today called Laiya. She is a Labrador Retriever, they brought her in with her six puppies. Zoe is another new dog I met today, she has a kind of sad story. Zoe is ten years old, she was used to breed. She is an American Bulldog. Her owners got rid of Zoe because she got too rambunctious and accidentally killed another dogs puppy. I think this project was a great idea after all and really isn’t that boring if you find something that really does entertain you.

    -May 13

  7. Dylan, glad to see that both your grandpa and grandma are joining you. I have always enjoyed volunteering, the only thing better is working with family while you are volunteering. Great work!

  8. Well I am done! I completed the rest of my hours today, 1 hour and thirty minutes. It wasn’t that bad of a project after all. In fact I learned something from this, doing something good for someone else or the city without anything in return isn’t so bad. One thing that I heard today is very sad, my favorite dog, Duchess who was adopted has been hit by a car and was badly hurt in the leg. She is in the animal hospital and will be all better soon. My other favorite dog Buddy was adopted and has a very good owner that can pay for the heart worm medicine and everything! Which of course is good news. I definitely would say that I have gotten attached to some of these dogs and I love doing the job. I will definitely be back to see them again and walk and play with them.

    Dylan Baker -May20

  9. Last tuesday I started my community service project at the Havelock Senior Center. I had to calculate the total amount of people who visited the center for three months. It was alot more people than I had expected, almost three times the amount I had in mind. The total amount of people that visited the center was more than 1500!! Alot of people right?!?! After I calculated the amount, I had to type a paper in letter form on the computer. It was about an award that the center had given to someone. I had a very interesting time. I will be doing all of my eight hours here and may even think of doing this again in the future.

  10. Last Thursday, I completed four hours at the Senior Center. Seeing that I did two on Tuesday, I will only have to do two tomorrow. I had alot to do, I had to stuff 225 envelopes with two letters! Thats alot of work when you do it by yourself, but it's really fun. I had a great time . Mr. Al was very nice and helpful with everything. It was really fun e=watching all of the seniors getting involved in their activities. They were all having such a great time and I can't wait to go back tomorrow. I wonder what challenge I'll face?!

  11. May 13, 2010

    Today I volunteered at the Havelock Animal Shelter. When I got to the Animal Shelter three other volunteers were already working. My first duty was to clean the cat cages. The cat cages were so dirty that the rags turned brown. When A.J., Madison, and I finished cleaning them the cats had a clean place to stay. My second duty was to clean the walls where the cats stay. The walls were really nasty because the walls had poop marks all over. I used Windex and a rag to clean the walls. To clean the walls you had to scrub really hard to get the poop marks off then you would wipe the wall with a dry rag and the poop and dirt would come off with the Windex. Once I was done I mopped the floor and under the rack with a lot of water then I dry mopped the floor so it wasn't really wet. When I finished mopping, Girl Scout Troop #764 brought in a lot of dog food, cat food, dog toys and cat toys. When the Animal Control Officer at the Animal Shelter brought her Superior Officer, the Girl Scouts surprised them with a $150 donation. Then I helped put everything away. I really liked helping out at the Animal Shelter it was fun.

    Kevin Smith

  12. May 13th-May 15th, i was helping my neighbors watch their dogs when they left to go to a soccer tournement. I would feed them, let them go outside and play with them. My favorite is Dallas and Radar. Dallas is a husky and Radar is a Great Dane. They are very loving and love to playy with people, same with their other five dogs. I had a great time watching them. It isn't that boring. It is really fun, it's better than watching tv or texting. I had fun doing this project.
    -May 24.

  13. On May 18th. I went to go to my mommy's work and help her out. She is a manger of Hot Spot Tan, she needed a bed cleaner and a person to help her. I learned that it is important to clean the beds because, the person that uses the bed before could of used a different lotion than you, because it is unsanitary, and by law you have to clean them. If you didn't clean them, you can be laying on somebody's used lotion that went on the bed, or if you went to tan you would never you would just get a really bad tan because all that lotion will mess up the bulbs of te tanning bed. I learned that it is good that you clean beds because you don't know what you can get by laying on somebody's lotion.
    - May 24.

  14. Last week I went to Britthaven, for an hour. I talk to the lady that owns the placed. She explained what would happen if i was there, and don't scared if they grabbed my arm the way i wouldn't like it, because they don't mean to grab it hard. She also told me some stories about people, like Mr.Morgan, trying to get of the doors to go fight the war and he says "hold that door for me." He was really nice. After done talking with the lady, i painted Edna's nails. She was paralized on her left side of her body because of an stroke. It was really sad because she couldn't talk, so we could understand her or she couldn't open her left hand so i could paint her fingers. But she loves when people do her hair, nails, and make up. She was really nice. I am going to start going there to help them and talk to them and get to know them. I would like to change their life.
    - May 24th.

  15. May 17-18, 2010

    Today I started volunteering at the Tucker Creek Middle School Library. Mrs. Thompson was happy to have me volunteer in the library. This is the time of year she is taking inventory. She showed me the scanner and told me how to operate it. When you scan the books it is kind of annoying because you hear two loud beeps then shortly after two deeper beeps. After a while you get used to the beeping. The first day I scanned about four complete shelves of fiction books. I get to sit in a rolling chair when I scan the books and that makes scanning the books easier and faster. The second day I continued scanning books and this time I scanned six complete shelves of fiction books. Mrs. Thompson said that I made really good progress and "scanned more books than I would have done in about three days".

  16. Sorry I forgot to sign my last comment.
    Kevin Smith

  17. May 19 and May 24, 2010

    These two days Mrs. Thompson had me continue scanning books from where I left off. Scanning the books helps the school keep track of the books available for students and staff to use. It also alerts the librarians of any missing and overdue books. The librarians have had testing in the library during the school day. The scanner beeps loudly and that's why I do it after school when I volunteer. I scanned about five complete shelves of fiction books each day. I have learned we have a lot of fiction books in our school library. Mrs. Thompson said that we are 91.96% done scanning all of the books and other items. I like working in the library because it is really quiet and calm.

    Kevin Smith

  18. Yesterday I completed two more hours. The last of my eight hours was really fun. I had to clean tables and afterwards, Mr. Bradey let me play on the computer. I got alot of things done. It was a really great experience and I might just do it again. Besides, they have no other help, so why dont I help them?! I hope we have other assignments like this again in the future.

  19. May 25 and May 26, 2010

    My last two days in the library are finally over. Yesterday I started to scan all of the missed and or missing books. The reason she told me to start scanning the missed and or missing books was because I thought I was finished and asked for a different task and she printed out a list of the missed and or missing books and equipment. Mrs. Thompson told me to only scan the books and she would scan the equipment. Today I did the same thing that I did yesterday. After a while of scanning I noticed that there are twenty F DIX books missing from its shelf. Mrs. Thompson said that it is really weird that there are twenty books missing from its shelf. Mrs. Thompson said that we are 98.92% complete. Today was my last day volunteering for the project, but I will continue to work in the library as much as I can. The reason I will continue is because that it is kinda fun working in the library. I have had a good time.

    Kevin Smith

  20. During my first two hours of my volunteer project I worked at M.O.W. (Meals On Wheels). It is a program where people who can’t afford food get one meal a day delivered to them. Sometimes this is the only thing they have to eat. There are many routes to take with different people but I can’t really remember which route we took. Well anyway we met with some of my mom’s friends at Taberna Country Club who have been doing this for quite a while, when we got in their van we went to downtown New Bern. When we got there we picked up the meals which contained a small carton of milk, heated food in a foil container, and a dinner roll. We got our meals and went to the route we were assigned, the only thing I remember about the route was that it was in Vanceboro. Mr. Jack drove and while at each house I got out of the vehicle, picked up one meal kit and took it to the front door of the resident. We knocked on the door. Some residents would answer right away while other took longer to get to the door. Each resident thanked me and I wished them a good day. Most of the houses were run down! We went to old houses in a trailer park and to some other places. What was really sad was an old woman who looked like she was 70 and 3 ft. tall said she had to most beautiful house in the world, even though instead of having carpet she had plywood as her floors and to her it was the most beautiful home. That’s what made me feel really bad that people like us have really nice homes and some people do not. It makes me appreciated what I do have and to not take anything for granted. We went to about 16 houses in 2 hours, while at each house, we had to indicate if the resident was in good health or not and report back to the M.O.W Manager. Once Mr. Jack found a resident on the floor and had to call 911. Once we were done, we had to check back in with the M.O.W Manager. The Manager was really nice and showed us that she could write backwards. I didn’t believe it at first but she did it and wrote the whole thing in 5 seconds flat. You can’t understand it, but if you hold it up to the light and flip the paper around you can understand everything perfectly. Well that was my 2 hours and I had a great time.

  21. I volunteered at the 4-H place. I did my volunteering there because my aunt works there.
    I had to verify summer enrollment participants, wich pretty much meant I was typing names into a computer to see if the names were put into the computer the right Way.that was pretty much all I did my first two hours.I will probably do all my volunteering there, I want to do some of it at the animal shelter but I will probably end up doing it all at the 4-H place.

    Christian Trombley

  22. I did my second volunteering at the 4-H place.
    All i did was the same thing i did last time type names into the computer to see if there was any names put into the computer wrong it took a while there was alot of names to check.
    When I was done with that the names that were put in wrong I had to go back and put them into the computer and then check again to see if I had saved them right. putting the names into the computer didnt take as long as checking them because there wasnt as many names to put in as there was to check.

    Christian Trombley

  23. I did my third two hours at the 4-h place. I had to help them make their buisness cards. When I was done with that I had to help them put the buisness cards onto magnets. I helped a few people with their buisness cards. I didnt finish so i will probably finish my next two hours.

    Christian Trombley

  24. I did my last two hours at the 4-H place. I had to finish helping make their buisness cards and putting them onto magnets. the sticky stuff on the back of the magnets kept sticking to my hand and one time I almost could get it off. Thats pretty much all I did for my last two hours so i am done with my volunteering project

    Christian Trombley

  25. My brother is a Cub Scout and we have our meetings every Friday at Annunciation school at 5:15PM. I played basketball with them to keep them entertained until we got started, and then we got started with the Pledge of Allegaince and did some science projects. I assisted in the best way I could, and some kid asked for help to put a stick in a balloon (which was a science project of course). I put it through the first part for him and told him to slowly push it out of the balloon slowly, he went through it so fast then it popped and we both started laughing. After we were done we put the the tables and chairs away in a big closet, before you know it my two hours were done.

  26. Last weekend I went back to Britthaven with Sammy and played bingo with the old ladies and gentelmen. They were very nice. Faryn was nice and she knew how to text! Haha, i was so suprised. (: Doc, Mrs. Hamel, and Mr. Hat Man all won except for Faryn. I had a good time. I am going to try to go back there every week, because i really like hanging out with them, they are so sweet. I think doing this project changed my life and opening my eyes and seeing stuff clear. I want to help them. This is what i have learned from this project and i am glad.

  27. My first two hours of community service was completed at the Havelock Animal Shelter. I cleaned the cats cages and then I mopped the storage room. I also cleaned all of the dog bowls.

  28. My third and fourth hours of community service was at the Havelock Public Library. My first task was to hole punch paper plates so children could use them for arts and craft projects. After that I organized some childrens dvd's. I also organized some VCR tapes.The last thing I did at the Library was prepare craft bags for the kids coming in the next day

  29. My fifth and sixth hours were spent cleaning my dads office. My dad is a Marine and we did the cleaning the Marines in his shop usually do. I made sure all the mop buckets were full of clean waterclean water. We also moved some desks and got all the cleaning supplies ready. Then we started mopping the floor.

  30. We continued to claen my dad's office for the seventh and eight hours. My dad buffed the floor and I mopped up all the dirt. I dumped the dirty water out of the mop buckets and filled them back up. The best things I did for my community service was mop the floor one last time and put everything away.

  31. last week I started my community service project and started working after school with the janitor.
    I had to take out all of the trash in all three grade halls the office and guidance counselor's office and had to dump it in the dumpster out back, (it really stunk out there)! Once I was finished I had started to sweep the corners on all of the halls and took a really big broom and swept all of the junks that i swept out of the corners into the big hall. Once I was done with that I swept the big hall and was done for the day.

  32. After day one of community service was done I was back at after school clean up. But this time Mr.Jessie had put me in the lunch room. He started me of with sweeping the floors with a huge mop looking broom and made me sweep it into a big bile in the hall. After that he made me take down all the chairs (which is A LOT of chairs)! Later he had me sweep all of the dust from the lunch room next to the bathroom, and called it a day.

  33. After the lunch room duty, again Mr.Jessie put me on trash take out. all that i did was put all the trash from the smaller trash cans and when the bigger trashcan was full I took it out to the dumpster. ( pretty much what I did the first day just all over again).

  34. For my last two hours I was working with Mr.Howard. He put me to work by putting away files, (my friend Austin was printing the papers). By the time he had printed a couple I was way behind on writing name on folders to put in a filing basket! So he had to stop for a good five minutes to let me catch up with him, ( it really looked like he was enjoying it, it was kind of funny)! But over all of my eight hours of community service the after school clean up was the most work, but to think that the janitors do that every day makes you think how much effort the put into making sure our school is clean.

  35. On May 15th i went to the cherry tree house on base,and I had to help set up for the mommy son dance. i had to decorate the tables, blow up ballons and tie them,put the ballons on he table on the weights. Hang up streamers.I even walked around the whole area and put some streamers on the floor. After that i had to help put some flowers in vases and set them out on the tables.Also I helped put down these books that hey could take home:) I did that for at least 3 hours.

  36. Last week A.W.E had a fesival and i went and helped out for 2 hours. i was a he hair spray booth.Alot of little kids came up and asked for all sorts of colors like green,orange,blue,red,purple. They also had stencails like paw prints, and stars. I also helped around other booths and i loved seeing the kids having fun.

    Jazzmyn Brunson

  37. Last weekend i helped put at the airshow for 3 hours. I was at a squardon booth where they selled a bunch of cool stuff like airplane models and other stuff. What I did was I took the money from people who bough suff and i gave it to the dude in charge. It was really fun to be out there and see how many people would cometo that booth. I am so happy that we had shade over us because it was HOT!!! That would complete my 8 hours of community service.:)

    Jazzmyn Brunson

  38. Saturday was my first day of volunteering at the Newport animal shelter and it was fun. they made me clean the sick dog cages and then I got to walk the big dogs. The biggest dog was polo. He was a pit bull mix with something tall. he looked weak but we he saw some other dogs and you had to dig your heels in the ground to hold him back. If you looked at him you didn't think was was that strong but, we he saw the other dogs he got all flexed and was hard to hold back, and that was my first four hours.

  39. My second day was on Sunday. That day I cleaned the sick dog cages again, and I got to spray out the bigger dog cages. After a hour or so I walked all the big dogs. The toughest dogs were the three dogs, Horton a abused dog, polo, and striker. The only hard part of walking Horton was getting him out and then getting him to stop crapping on the fences... That's right he either crapped on it or literally almost on it. Then its like he holds all his pee in till the walks because he stands there for a minuet just peeing. Polo wasn't as bad but when he saw other dogs he went crazy. Then there was striker. He was able to go into a little run area and they were seeing if he would do good with only females and he did good but the other dogs kept fighting. The time I spent there was fun and i think i will do it again.

  40. on the first day I served was 2 hours. I was working with Mr. Howard by starting with cleaning his class room. we fixed a book shelf and cleaned a diferent book shekf. I also sweeped! while I was there I got to eat popcorn and chips. but then afterwards he took me to McDonalds for a vanilla milk shake!

  41. The next two hours was with Mr. Howard again but to day I had some help with some of my friends. Mostly i did filing work for him and grade people too! this was okay because that day seemed like a long day of work!
    this was a hard day!

  42. the last day with Mr. Howard was the last day to work with him but this day i had more filing to do and grading also! he gave me cheeto's and chips! that was a very hard day with the filing because no one helped me this day!

  43. the last two hours was cleaning the trash of the side of the road! i saw some squirells that day! all i did there was take trash bag and pick up the trash which was gross!
    but this day was boring!
